
Exams will be given in all subjects. End of Course (EOC) exams will count a percentage of the student’s final grade for the following state required End of Course exams (TNReady): English I, II, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, U.S. History, and Biology I. The weight of all other exams will continue to be a percentage of the final average.

Exam exemptions will be allowed for students who meet the following criteria:

  • He/ she has no unexcused absences during a semester.
  • He/ she has no more than ten total absences.
  • He/ she has no more than 4 unexcused tardies/ early withdrawals.
  • He/ she is passing the class.
  • He/ she has not received any OSS.
  • The exam is not state mandated (i.e., End of Course Exams (EOC))


For additional information about TNReady, refer to www.btcs.org or www.tn.gov/education.
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