Discipline Code

Students in 9th & 10th : Mr. Pendleton

Students in 11th & 12th : Mr. Collins

Attendance 9th – 12th :  Mr. Jeremy Humphrey

Alternate Assignment (may include but not limited to)

After School Detention, Before School Detention, Lunch Detention, Period ISS, All Day ISS, OSS, Short Term Alternative School Placement, Long Term Alternative School Placement

Detention Assigned by Administrator

Students may be detained before or after the school day as a means of disciplinary action. Lunch detention may also be assigned on the day of the infraction. Parents will be informed when a detention involving before or after school is assigned.

Student Discipline Records

Bristol Tennessee City Schools keeps accurate records relating to individual student discipline. Those records are transferred to receiving schools when other student records are transferred. As with all other records, parents may review by making a request in writing to the school principal.

In-School Suspension
  1. All students assigned to ISS must report to the ISS room by the Tardy Bell (7:30 a.m.). Any student arriving to the classroom after 7:30 a.m. will be reported as tardy.
  2. Each student will have an assigned seat. The ISS supervisor will assign each student a seat.
  3. Students must report to ISS with ALL materials needed for the day (laptop, books, paper, pen/ pencil, etc.). Any student not bringing needed materials to class may be written up for insubordination which may result in an alternate assignment.
  4. Students will be given daily assignments from each of their teachers. Students are to complete all assignments and give completed assignments to the ISS supervisor. The ISS supervisor will give teachers the completed and incomplete assignments. Students refusing to complete assignments or refusing to follow instructions may be considered insubordinate, which may result in an alternate assignment, which may include OSS.
  5. Students are not permitted to get out of their seats without permission from the ISS supervisor.
  6. Students will go to the cafeteria and get lunch as a group. The group will return to the ISS classroom to eat lunch.
  7. Students are not allowed to possess and/ or use cell phones in ISS at any time of the day including breaks, restroom passes, and lunch. Use of a cell phone is violation of THS policy. All cell phones must be surrendered to the ISS supervisor upon entering the classroom. The ISS supervisor will hold all cell phones in a collection bin until the end of the day.
  8. Students assigned to ISS may not participate in any school function (pep rallies, assemblies, etc.) unless authorized by administration.
  9. Restroom facilities are located near the ISS area. Anyone caught leaving the area will be written up for insubordination which may result in an alternate assignment.
  10. Any student assigned to ISS and withdrew from school for any reason may be reassigned to ISS the following day, to complete their assignment.
  11. Students assigned ISS are not allowed to attend or participate in any extracurricular activity on the day of the ISS.  This includes athletic games/ practices, club activities, or any other school-related activity.
Procedures for Out-of-School Suspension and Expulsions
  1. Unless the student’s continued presence in the school, class, or school-related activity presents an immediate danger to the student or other persons or property, no principal shall suspend/ expel any student until that student has been advised of the nature of his/ her misconduct, has been questioned about it, and has been allowed to give an explanation.
  2. The principal shall contact the parent or guardian to inform them of the suspension/ expulsion. The student shall not be sent home before the end of the school day unless the parent or guardian has been contacted.
  3. The principal shall notify the parent or guardian and the director of schools or designee in writing of:
    1. The suspension/ expulsion and the cause for it.
    2. The dates of suspension (i.e. beginning/ end/ return to school).
  4. If the principal determines the length of the suspension to be between six (6) days and the maximum to ten (10) days, the principal shall develop and implement a plan for correcting the behavior when the student returns to school.
  5. If at the time of the suspension, the principal determines that an offense has been committed which, in the judgment of the principal would justify a suspension/ expulsion for more than ten (10) days, he/ she may suspend/ expel/ remand the student unconditionally for a specified period or upon such terms as conditions as are deemed reasonable.
  6. The principal shall immediately give written or actual notice to the parent or guardian and the student of the right to appeal the decision to suspend/ expel/ remand for more than ten (10) days, to the Discipline Hearing Authority. All appeals must be filed, in writing, within five (5) days after receipt of the notice and may be filed by the parent or guardian, the student, or any person holding a teaching license who is employed by the school system if requested by the student. Appeals should be made to the Student Services Office.
  7. If the suspension/ expulsion occurs during the last ten (10) days of any term or semester, the student shall be permitted to take such final examinations or submit such required work as necessary to complete the course of instruction for that semester, subject to conditions prescribed by the principal.
  8. Discipline of students with disabilities will be in accordance with IDEA guidelines.
Appeals Procedures

All appeals must be submitted in writing by the end of the day following the suspension.

In-School Suspensions

In-school suspensions cannot be appealed beyond the principal.

Out-of-School Suspension (more than 10 days)

Supervisor of Student Services
615 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Bristol, TN 37620

Special Education students will be disciplined according to IDEA Guidelines.
Zero Tolerance

Any student enrolled in the Bristol Tennessee City Schools who commits a Zero Tolerance Offense at any time on property under the control of BTCS shall be suspended/ expelled. This rule applies during non-school days and non-school hours.

During Out-of-School Suspensions, Expulsions, or Zero Tolerance placements students may not attend nor may they participate in extracurricular activities or any school-related activities on or off campus. 

Students are automatically suspended out of school for one (1) year (365 days) if they are guilty of the following Zero Tolerance Offenses:

  1. Drugs – Any level of THS or CBD
  2. Firearms
  3. Assault on school personnel.


Zero tolerance offenses shall result in suspension/ expulsion. To ensure a safe and secure learning environment, the following offenses will not be tolerated:

In accordance with state law, any student who commits assault upon any teacher, principal, administrator, any other employee of the school system, or school resource officer shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. The director of schools, and only the director of schools, shall have the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis. TCA 49-6-3401(g).

In accordance with state law, any student who unlawfully possesses any drug including any controlled substance or legend (prescription) drug shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. The director of schools, and only the director of schools, shall have the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis. TCA 49-6-3401(g).  Any level of THC or CBD will be considered a zero-tolerance offense.


Firearms (As Defined in 18 USC 921)

In accordance with state law, any student who brings or possesses a firearm on school property shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year.  The director of schools, and only the director of schools, shall have the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis. TCA 49-6-3401(g). 


Discipline Definitions

Assault - An assault is defined as physical attack on a person.

Aggravated Assault - Aggravated assault is defined as a physical attack in which a weapon or other instrument is used to cause harm to a person.

Bullying - Bullying is defined as an act directed at one or more students that is intended to harm or embarrass, is repeated over time, and involves an imbalance of physical, emotional, or social power. Bullying can be conducted verbally and in writing (teasing, name-calling, taunting, threatening to cause harm) socially/ relationally (hurting someone’s reputation or relationship), or physically (hurting someone or their possessions). Harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, or any disruptive or violent behavior includes conduct such as gestures, verbal, graphic, written (including electronically transmitted acts) toward a student which are based on any actual or perceived trait or characteristic of the student and creates an educational environment that meets one or more of the following conditions:

  • Places the student in reasonable fear or harm for the student’s person or property.
  • Has a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s physical or mental health.
  • Has the effect of substantially interfering with the student’s academic performance; or
  • Has the effect of substantially interfering with the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.

Controlled Substance - Controlled substance means a drug or other substance identified under schedules I, II, III, IV, or V in section 202©of the Controlled Substance Act (21 USC 812 ©). This definition includes all drugs for which a physician’s prescription is required.

Electronic Threat - In accordance with state law, any student who transmits by an electronic device any communication containing a credible threat to cause bodily injury or death to another student or school employee and the transmission of such threat creates actual disruptive activity at the school that requires administrative intervention.

Gang Affiliation - Gang affiliation is defined as wearing, carrying, or displaying gang paraphernalia (TCA 49-6-4215) or exhibiting behavior or gestures which symbolize gang membership, or causing and/ or practicing activities which intimidate or affect the attendance of another student.

Hazing - Hazing is defined as any intentional or reckless act on or off school property in which one or more student’s direct comments or actions against any other student or students that endanger or coerces a student to endanger his/ her mental or physical health or safety of the offended student(s). In accordance with school board policy, a student guilty of hazing may receive punishment ranging from verbal reprimand to suspension and/ or expulsion depending on the nature and severity of the offense. Students are encouraged to report harassment of any kind to a teacher, staff member, or administrator.

Incendiary Devices - An incendiary device is defined as any device capable of exploding, possibly causing a fire, or physical and/ or property damage.

Synthetic Drugs - Synthetic drugs that are used or are intended for use in an abusive and/ or intoxicating fashion and substances that “look like” a controlled substance is prohibited. In instances involving look-a-like substances, there must be evidence of the student’s intent to pass off the item as a controlled substance.

Threats - A threat is a verbal or written communication of intent to do harm on another person or property. Since threats have received widespread media coverage and cause a great concern to parents, students, and school personnel, it is important for students to know that all threats will be taken seriously by the school administration. The school system does not consider threats to be a joking matter.

Students should report any knowledge of bullying, controlled substances, hazing, and other situations harmful to the school climate to any THS faculty or staff member immediately.

Weapons/ Dangerous Instruments - Students shall not possess, handle, transmit, or use or attempt to use any dangerous weapon in school buildings or on school grounds at any time or in school vehicles and/ or buses or off the school grounds at a school-sponsored activity, function, or event.



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